Why should you move your IT infrastructure to cloud based services

Move your IT to the cloud


Cloud computing is changing the way we do business. It's more efficient, scalable and secure than traditional IT infrastructure. Cloud computing enables users to access their data and applications anywhere, anytime without having to know where it is stored or how it works. You can choose from a variety of cloud service providers that offer a wide range of benefits including increased efficiency and cost savings over traditional onsite solutions

Increased mobility

With cloud based services, you get to access your data from anywhere and on any device. This can be highly advantageous for those who work remotely or travel regularly as they will have access to their files and applications wherever they go. It also means that you won’t have to worry about buying a new computer or phone when you change locations, since everything is stored in the cloud. You can even use your home computer!

Cost savings

When it comes to cost savings, cloud computing is the clear winner. Cloud services are less expensive than on-site IT infrastructure. They require minimal capital investment up front, and can be scaled up or down with ease. The implementation process has been streamlined to make it easier for you to access the technology without having to undergo a lengthy and complex installation process. Maintenance costs are also reduced because server maintenance is outsourced to experts who have more experience in these matters than your own technical staff does. Finally, there's no need for hardware capital outlay—you just pay as you go!


The cloud infrastructure is scalable, which means it can be scaled up or down as your business needs change. Cloud infrastructure is elastic, meaning that you can scale up or down quickly without any downtime. This makes it more cost-effective than traditional IT solutions because you’re not paying for more resources than what you need at any given time. For example, if you only use one server to start your business but then decide to expand into multiple countries and need three servers instead, then all of the sudden your software isn't scaling as well anymore. With a hosted solution like this one though, if we were able to increase our capacity immediately by adding two more servers within minutes instead of having to wait days or weeks for hardware delivery times—then we could keep growing along with our business!

Enhanced security and compliance

You know the importance of security. You’ve probably read about how cloud-based services are safer than your own IT infrastructure and maybe you’re wondering why that is.
The recent news about the Ashley Madison hack sheds some light on this subject. It turns out that the hackers responsible for exposing millions of people's personal information were able to breach into the company's systems because they had access to its internal networks. It’s not just companies like Ashley Madison that can benefit from a secure cloud based service; it also helps protect against cyberterrorism and other threats, such as ransomware attacks or data breaches due to weak passwords (you know who you are!).

  • Automatic updates and software integrations
  • Automatic software updates and integrations:
  • You won’t have to worry about whether your software is up-to-date. The cloud provider will take care of that for you.
  • You won't have to worry about integrating new software with your existing setup. The cloud provider will take care of that for you, too.
  • In short, you'll have more time for other things like cooking dinner or watching Netflix — which is why we recommend subscribing with a free trial so you can try it out before making any major commitments!
  • You should move to the cloud because it is more cost effective.
  • Cloud services are more cost effective than self-hosted and managed IT services.

In general, cloud services are cheaper to use than self-hosted and managed IT. This is because these services rely on large numbers of customers paying for their infrastructure usage to be profitable. Your company may also need fewer resources than other companies that use the same cloud provider, which means you pay less per unit of compute or storage capacity compared to other users.

If your company wants a flexible IT environment but doesn't have in-house expertise, a cloud provider can provide a custom solution without having to hire an entire team of engineers who know how to manage servers themselves. It's easier (and often cheaper!) for them because they don't have the overhead costs associated with having an office space, paying fulltime employees' salaries etcetera...


Moving your IT infrastructure to the cloud is a smart decision. It allows you to be more agile, save money, and increase efficiency of your business. As Managed Service Providers in London for nearly 20 years Swift Digital has a full range of UK based cloud products and services which we team up with our unrivaled Dynamic and Efficient IT Support. Call us today to discuss your requirements 020 8447 4540


Blog article information

Blog article date: 12 th Aug 2022
Posted by Tas G
Tags Cloud Computing; IT Support; Managed IT Services

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